Refocus your mind towards achieving your goals, not to shy away from them

Refocus your mind towards achieving your goals, not to shy away from them

Your perspective is the way you see something.

Perspective is everything.

Perspective has a Latin root meaning “look through” or “perceive,”. If you observe the world from a dog’s perspective, you see through the dog’s eyes.

In times of uncertainty or lack of direction, we often refer to those who we deem to hold perspective for guidance.

When it comes to your goals, obtaining perspective is key. The difference between someone achieving their goals and not, is often perspective. It is everything.

As we approach the second half of the year, I am sure we have all formulated a new goal to carry us through the final 6 months. A goal which is both exhilarating and somewhat daunting.

Pause. Reflect . Compare

Something I strongly encourage you to do, is to take a moment in the coming weeks to sit down with your thoughts. Reflect on your goal and the steps you are taking to steer yourself towards achieving it. Just as you are doing this, stop and find something colossal to compare it to.

It is important that whatever you choose seems greater and more intimidating than the goal you have set out for yourself. Something once deemed near “impossible”.

Whatever you compare with could be something someone that you admire has achieved, something you saw happening on the other side of the world, by someone very far removed from you or maybe even it is something you once accomplished yourself but don’t give yourself enough credit for. We all are guilty of doing that from time to time….

If it’s possible for them, it’s possible for you.

The idea of this exercise is certainly not to dwindle the importance of your new goal but rather do the exact opposite. The idea is to inspire. To connect you emotionally to your goal through the concept of possibility. The process of considering in a deep and vivid way what has already been possible for you or someone else will strengthen your belief and faith in what is possible now.

Strengthen your concept of what is possible for YOU. Which is, as we all know, absolutely anything!

By implementing perspective you are able to turn the idea of impossible into possible.

Harness the power of your mind and you are able to do anything!

x Spritz Mindset