Effectively overcome the obstacles of change

Let’s Talk About The Paradox of Change…

The natural impulse of life is to seek stability. Often in biology, this process of finding stability is referred to as homeostasis or equilibrium.

It has been said many a times, that in life, we develop patterns based on how often we do or don’t do things and over time, these patterns form our own levels of homeostasis. Over time and continued habits, we get comfortable with and settle into our very own version of equilibrium.

We have feedback loops that moderate the equilibrium of our habits. Our daily routines become governed by subconscious responses to everything that is going on around us, interacting to create a delicate balance between environment and potential. The more this goes on, the less we are able to see the forces interacting and therefore rarely notice how they shape our everyday behaviours. However, it is very clearly pointed out to us whenever we seek to make change. 

We hear so much about change in society. We live within a culture of radical change and overnight success. Common phrases filing the air like “if you want massive results, then you have to take massive action.”

This is all well and good, inspiring, motivational etc but let’s bring it back to where we started, the natural impulse of life is to seek stability. This meaning, when we try and make rapid changes in a quest for rapid results, then we will experience a huge opposing force within us. A roadblock at every corner.

We are programmed so that anytime our equilibrium is lost, an internal system is motivated to restore it. Meaning, that if we step too far out of the bounds of our normal routine, then we will find that the forces within us will do everything to restore the balance. Sustained changed needs to be a steady process in order to evolve your equilibrium along the way.

“Resistance is proportionate to the size and speed of the change, not to whether the change is a favourable or unfavourable one.”

George Leonard

The forces in our lives that have established our current equilibrium will work to pull us back whether we are trying to change for better or worse. In other words, the faster and more dramatic you try to implement change, the more susceptible you are to backslide.

So you are probably sitting there thinking, “well I am damned if I do, damned if I don’t”, and I wouldn’t blame you for feeling that way! Nevertheless, change is certainly possible!

It’s sustainable change that really is all we are interested in and it’s simply all about learning about your growth window! The optimal rate of growth for you!

When you collect small wins and focus on the little steps to carry you towards your goal, you shuffle your equilibrium forward. Similarly to building muscle, if the weight is too light, your muscles will decline. If the weight is too heavy you will end up injured but when the weight is just slightly beyond your normal, then your muscles will adapt and you strength increases. 

The paradox of change is all about creating lasting change. Working with the fundamental forces within you to adjust your baseline, thus, the best way to achieve real change is through the small wins each day. Change your normal day and you will find that your life changes as a natural side effect. 


x Spritz Mindset 

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